306 Results for:

January 21, 2014

International Organizations
Geneva II: The Diplomatic Headaches Have Just Begun

Coauthored with Claire Schachter, research associate in the International Institutions and Global Governance program. How to interpret the diplomatic kerfuffle over the United Nations’ decision to i…

Leader of Syria's opposition National Coalition Ahmad al-Jarba and Badr Jamous, secretary-general of the coalition, arrive for the Geneva 2 talks on Syria, at Geneva International airport

July 1, 2020

Public Health Threats and Pandemics
What Is the Ebola Virus?

Endemic to the African tropics, the Ebola virus has killed thousands in recent years, putting the World Health Organization and major donor countries in the limelight as they’ve grappled with how to …

A health-care worker stands next to a cross during the funeral of a person suspected of dying of Ebola in Beni, Democratic Republic of Congo.

June 20, 2019

Will Gulf Nations Tip the Balance in Sudan Crisis?

Gulf powers have lined up behind Sudan’s ruling military council. Where Sudan goes from here could depend on whether other powers play a countervailing role.

Sudanese protesters wave national flags and shout slogans during a protest outside the army complex in the capital Khartoum

March 17, 2020

International Economic Policy
Addressing the Global Dollar Shortage: More Swap Lines? A New Fed Repo Facility for Central Banks? More IMF Lending?

There is a global scramble for dollars going on. It needs to be addressed through creative policies.

FILE PHOTO: One hundred dollar notes are seen in this photo illustration at a bank in Seoul January 9, 2013.

December 13, 2017

Ten Silver Linings in 2017

In a year of tumult, were there any positive trends? Experts point to a number of areas where progress was made, from reducing child mortality and poverty to improving women’s rights.

Lebanon Women's Rights