333 Results for:

January 15, 2015

What's Next for the Global Economy: A Look Ahead at 2015

Christine Lagarde, managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), discusses the global economy and the IMF’s role in 2015.

Play Lagarde_EC.jpg

June 6, 2023

United States
The U.S. Immigration Debate

Comprehensive immigration reform has eluded Congress for years. With border crossings at a record high, how are policymakers responding?

A migrant boy peers through the border wall near San Diego ahead of the end of Title 42 restrictions.

October 9, 2023

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
The Conflict in the Middle East

CFR President Michael Froman leads a town hall discussion with CFR Fellows and members on the current crisis in the Middle East.

Play Missles clashing on October 8, 2023

April 4, 2005

United States
McKinsey says the trade deficit does not matter

What is good for IBM (oops, Lenovo) is good for America.OK, that is a cheap shot.Yesterday’s Wall Street Journal published a column by Jon Hilsenrath that drew on work by Diana Farrell and the McKins…

September 29, 2022

Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico: A U.S. Territory in Crisis

The Caribbean island, which shares a close yet fraught relationship with the rest of the United States, faces a multilayered economic and social crisis rooted in long-standing policy and compounded b…

A man rides his bicycle through a damaged road in Puerto Rico.

August 27, 2021

U.S. Foreign Policy
Five Movies Worth Watching About Foreign-Policy Conspiracies

Every summer Friday, we suggest foreign-policy-themed movies worth watching. This week: films about conspiracies in the halls of power. 

Three movie posters in black frames. From left: The Manchurian Candidate (a sketch of a man, a gun, and a queen of hearts card); JFK (a man looks out from a red, white, and blue design); Kill the Messenger (a man with the U.S. Capitol Building reflected in his sunglasses).