1,430 Results for:

April 1, 2014

Saudi Arabia
Split Persists Between Washington and Riyadh

Despite last week’s fence-mending meeting between President Obama and King Abdullah, serious differences over policy regarding Iran, Syria, and Egypt remain between the United States and Saudi Arabia…

October 10, 2013

Saudi Arabia
Has Saudi Arabia Soured on Washington?

Saudi Arabia has few options but to stomach the rapprochement between the United States and Iran, its regional rival, says expert F. Gregory Gause.

April 29, 2024

United States
What Is the CHIPS Act?

Extraordinary U.S. government incentives are proving popular with many large chipmakers, but it is too early to tell how much of the semiconductor industry can be lured back to the United States. …

December 9, 2011

Political Movements
Saudis’ New Mideast Challenges

With the upheavals in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia must grapple with a changing political landscape, including Salafis participating in elections, says F. Gregory Gause. At the same time, he says th…

November 16, 2020

Diplomacy and International Institutions
Diplomacy at Home and Abroad: The Legacy of James A. Baker III

Speakers discuss the distinguished career of former Secretary of State, Secretary of the Treasury, and White House Chief of Staff James Baker.

Play James A. Baker III speaking at a podium

June 3, 2024

Thailand’s Draconian 112 Lèse-majesté Law: Any Hope for Change?

A repressive law limiting criticism of the Thai monarchy has placed the current king beyond reproach, but popular discontent with the legislation and the monarchy is growing. 

Thai King wears a white military dress uniform while carrying a sword and walking during a military procession.