79 Results for:

June 21, 2013

Can Iran Be Stopped?

Over the last two years many of those--including me--who urged American intervention in Syria have been called various names: neocons, dangerous idealists, adventurers, fools who were forgetting the …

August 30, 2016

U.S. Foreign Policy
The Syria Red Line, Three Years Later

It was three years ago, Labor Day weekend in 2013, that President Obama reversed himself and refused to enforce his "red line" against use of chemical weapons by the Syrian regime. What’s the outc…

March 1, 2019

North Korea
Global Conflict This Week: Negotiating with North Korea

Developments in conflicts across the world that you might have missed this week.

Trump-Kim summit

February 24, 2016

Middle East and North Africa
Syria Delusions, Round Two

In 2012, the group that is supposed to be the senior national security team--the secretary of state (Hillary Clinton), secretary of defense (Leon Panetta), and CIA director (David Petraeus)--urged Pr…

February 7, 2013

United States
Syria: Everyone But Obama Wanted Action

It has emerged in the last few days that Secretary of State Clinton and CIA Director David Petraeus wanted last year to arm and train the Syrian rebels. The New York Times reported last weekend that…