2,583 Results for:

January 4, 2019

Climate Change
Climate Shocks and Humanitarian Crises: Which Countries Are Most at Risk?

In an article recently published in Foreign Affairs, Joshua Busby and Nina von Uexkull identify the countries that are most at risk from climate-related instability and humanitarian crises.

Internally displaced Afghan man walks around a camp in Herat.

March 25, 2024

Five Things to Expect from a Prabowo Presidency

Prabowo Subianto was named the winner of the Indonesian presidential election. But it is unclear which version of Prabowo—the more moderate candidate from the campaign trail or the self-styled strong…

Indonesian president-elect wears a white button-down shirt and traditional black hat as he raises his fist in the air and holds a microphone in the other hand.

November 9, 2007

Nation Branding Explained

Countries increasingly employ public relations firms and the techniques of brand marketing to build cohesive images for their nation.

March 19, 2024

Southeast Asia
Southeast Asian States Struggle to Address the War in Gaza

Southeast Asian responses to the ongoing Israel-Hamas war in Gaza have aligned with each country’s broader foreign policy stances.

Malaysian prime mnister stands amid supporters wearing a white shirt and Palestinian keffiyeh while waving to audience.

November 7, 2023

Blood Money

When it comes to wealth transfer, Nigerian Pentecostal churches prefer to keep it all in the family.  

Hundreds of worshippers, dressed in traditional attire, attend a church service.

February 16, 2023

Defense and Security
Munich Security Conference, Biden Visits Poland, Israel’s Judiciary Overhaul, and More

World leaders attend the Munich Security Conference, a high-level event focusing on global challenges; U.S. President Joe Biden visits Poland to reinforce NATO’s resolve for supporting Ukraine; and t…

Podcast People wait ahead of The US President, Joe Biden delivering a speech at the Royal Castle on March 26, 2022 in Warsaw, Poland.

March 11, 2024

Myanmar’s Army is Collapsing: An Update

As the Myanmar military faces a record level of defections, its control of the country looks increasingly tenuous.

Soldiers dressed in fatigues and dark hats walk through a forested area carrying a red blanket.