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September 15, 2017

The Paradox of Rwanda's Paul Kagame

President Paul Kagame, along with many other chiefs of state, will be visiting New York for the opening week of the United Nations General Assembly. President Trump is scheduled to host African heads…


September 23, 2010

A Conversation with Benigno S. Aquino III

Filipino president Benigno S. Aquino III discusses the steps to eliminate political corruption in the Philippines taken by his government, as well as its rapidly growing economy.


September 19, 2017

A Conversation With Paul Kagame of Rwanda

For further reading, please see the Foreign Affairs article “Kagame’s Unrivaled Power” by Tom Gardner, the CFR blog post “Empowering Women in Developing Economies” by Melanne Verveer and Mathilde Muk…

Play Kagame

May 1, 2014

Middle East and North Africa
Aid to the Palestinians: Why Rand Paul is Wrong

Senator Rand Paul has tried to attain some pro-Israel credentials by introducing S. 2265, the “Stand With Israel Act of 2014.” The bill would cut off every cent of aid to the Palestinian Authority un…

June 3, 2024

Thailand’s Draconian 112 Lèse-majesté Law: Any Hope for Change?

A repressive law limiting criticism of the Thai monarchy has placed the current king beyond reproach, but popular discontent with the legislation and the monarchy is growing. 

Thai King wears a white military dress uniform while carrying a sword and walking during a military procession.