255 Results for:

January 7, 2016

The Keystone Pipeline May be Dead, But Here's How it Could Blow up the TPP

So much for the U.S.-Canada honeymoon. With the election in October of the new Liberal prime minister Justin Trudeau, both Washington and Ottawa had hoped to put behind them several years of poor rel…

Transcanada Pipes RTR4E84D

January 31, 2012

Guest Post: Press Freedom and Development in Africa

This is a guest post by Asch Harwood, CFR Africa program research associate. Follow him on Twitter at @aschlfod. The National Endowment for Democracy’s Center for International Media Assistance (CIM…

Journalists carry placards along a street during a protest to mark World Press Freedom day in Nigeria's commercial capital Lagos, May 3, 2010.

January 7, 2003

United States
Republicans Gingrich and Zakheim and Democrats Young and Wilson to Debate Foreign Policy Les Gelb to moderate discussion sponsored by 12 groups Students also to debate foreign policy

For further information contact: April Wahlestedt, Director of Communications (212) 434-9544 Erin Eizenstat, Communications Coordinator, at 212-434-9536   October 23, 2000, New York City –…

July 11, 2016

Failing Iraq

The United Kingdom's Chilcot report, the final report of the British government's Iraq Inquiry, represents a thorough examination of the record from which hopefully the British (and American) governm…


March 31, 2020

International Economic Policy
Not One Emerging Market Financial Crisis, but Many…

The common denominator across many emerging economies is a shortage of dollars. But the causes differ, as do the solutions.

A worker wearing a protective suit is seen inside the Shanghai Stock Exchange building amid the coronavirus outbreak, at the Pudong financial district in Shanghai, China February 28, 2020.