438 Results for:

July 4, 2008

United States
Good news for the fourth of July

The US economy has absorbed its share of blows over the last year: Jobs have disappeared; Oil prices have soared; Consumer confidence is way down; An important broker-dealer collapsed, prompting…


February 10, 2009

Financial Markets
Toxic banks or toxic assets?

Two weeks ago, George Soros memorably framed the core choice the US now faces as a choice between buying toxic assets or taking over toxic banks. “The hard choice facing the Obama administration is …

March 9, 2005

Monetary Policy
Reserve accumulation and the financing of the February US trade deficit

The dollar is under a bit of pressure today. The renminbi keeps falling too. The logic behind China’s tight peg to the dollar continues to elude me. The US dollar needs to depreciate as part of an…

June 6, 2008

Financial Markets
Does Chinese inflation now constrain the Fed?

Tim Duy, with rather impressive timing, says yes. Rising inflation in China and the Gulf, the key regions in today’s "dollar zone," now have a large enough impact on prices in the US to limit the F…

February 17, 2012

Budget, Debt, and Deficits
Friday File: Anthony Shadid

Above the Fold. Anthony Shadid, a New York Times foreign correspondent, died yesterday while covering the ongoing political upheaval in Syria. He wasn’t cut down by the violence of what is becoming a…

Anthony Shadid (right) with other New York Times journalists and Turkey's Ambassador to Libya on March 21, 2011. (Handout/courtesy Reuters)