438 Results for:

March 31, 2020

International Economic Policy
Not One Emerging Market Financial Crisis, but Many…

The common denominator across many emerging economies is a shortage of dollars. But the causes differ, as do the solutions.

A worker wearing a protective suit is seen inside the Shanghai Stock Exchange building amid the coronavirus outbreak, at the Pudong financial district in Shanghai, China February 28, 2020.

October 25, 2005

United States
The Joint Economic Committee

Last Thursday, I had the opportunity to testify before the Joint Economic Committee on the US current account deficit, as part of the panel that followed Dr. Bernanke's testimony. I strongly suspe…

July 4, 2007

United States
Understanding the evolution of the US net international investment position

Predicting things can be difficult, especially if you are talking about the future. So the Yogi Bera cliché goes.   It rings true.   Back in 2004, I was fairly confident that the US net intern…


September 29, 2006

Emerging Markets
The IMF did its job (more or less) last time around …

The IMF received its share of criticism over the past two weeks. The IMF governance structure is dated.  Europe is over-represented on the IMF board (and isn’t inclined to allow much change).  Asia i…


September 14, 2004

United States
The US current account

Q2 current and capital account data came out today. At 166 billion, the Q2 current account deficit was $10 billion or so more than expected. Since the goods and service trade deficit for q2 was alrea…