414 Results for:

August 18, 2011

Chinese Investment in Nigeria

Textile vendors look after their Chinese-made goods inside their stalls in Kano, northern Nigeria, March 15, 2011. (STR New/Courtesy Reuters) Given that Nigeria has the second largest economy in Afr…

Chinese Investment in Nigeria

June 5, 2013

United States
CFR Task Force Calls on the U.S. to Preserve an Open and Secure Internet

The number of "state-backed operations continues to rise, and future attacks will become more sophisticated and disruptive," argues the new Task Force report, Defending an Open, Global, Secure, and…

September 17, 2007

Energy and Climate Policy
Facing the Hard Truths About Energy

Lee Raymond will discuss the findings of the National Petroleum Council (NPC) study on Global Oil and Gas.  The study was requested by U.S. Secretary of Energy, Samuel W. Bodman, to address the abili…


February 2, 2015

United States
Avoiding a U.S.-China Great Power War

In book one of The History of the Peloponnesian War, Thucydides provided his explanation for why the Spartans (or Lacedaemonians) broke the thirty years’ truce treaty with the Athenians after just fo…

Dempsey and Chinese Counterpart

March 12, 2020

Prospects for Peace in Libya Are Bleak

Despite recent UN efforts to coordinate talks, peace in Libya remains elusive.

Libyan protesters shout and wave Libyan flags while demanding an end to Khalifa Haftar's offensive against Tripoli.