2,388 Results for:

February 8, 2019

Global Conflict This Week: Negotiating a Truce in Yemen

Developments in conflicts across the world that you might have missed this week.

A man walks at the site of a Saudi-led air strike in Sana'a

May 21, 2015

Sub-Saharan Africa
United States Support for African Peacekeeping

Multilateral peacekeeping operations have long been a feature of the international community’s response to African conflicts (most of which are domestic though often with outside meddling). For those…


January 9, 2006

Drozdiak: Relations with Putin Likely a Major Item in Talks between Merkel and Bush

William Drozdiak, president of the American Council on Germany, says the new chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, sees her January 13 meeting at the White House with President Bush as a chance “to g…

January 20, 2010

Homeland Security
Should Guantanamo Bay Be Closed?

Four experts discuss how legal and political developments should affect the Obama administration’s promise to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay.

July 25, 2017

Polls Tighten in Run-Up to Kenya's Presidential Election

Kenya’s elections are scheduled to be held on August 8, exactly two weeks from today, and the race between the two leading presidential candidates is tightening. According to opinion polls, oppositio…


November 10, 2019

United States
Happy 244th Birthday to the United States Marine Corps!

The U.S. Marine Corps turns 244 years-old today. On November 10, 1775, the Continental Congress adopted a resolution to create a Marine force composed of two battalions. Since then, the Marines have …

U.S. Marine Corps